Donnerstag, 4. April 2024
Aus Krankheitsgründen muss EKTOMORF verschoben werden! (Statement der Band siehe unten)
Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten vorerst ihre Gültigkeit, wir versuchen ein Ersatzdatum zu finden.
Die IRONCREW ist dennoch vor Ort, ihr seid herzlich eingeladen ab 19 Uhr euch über das bereits bestellte und gelieferte Catering der Band her zu machen, dazu gibt es Musik ab Konserve und Getränke.
It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the postponement of our concert scheduled for tomorrow at Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld. Health comes first, and in this regard, we have been severely tested. Except for our indefatigable Zoli, all band members and crew members have fallen ill. Unfortunately, several members of the supporting bands have also been affected.
This decision was not made lightly. We were eagerly looking forward to your show and the opportunity to mosh with all of you. However, under these circumstances, we do not want to take any risks – neither for you, our loyal fans nor for ourselves. The health and safety of everyone involved is our top priority, and we want to ensure that we can deliver the energetic performance you deserve as soon as we're all feeling better.
We are already working on finding a new date and look forward to shaking the foundations of Eisenwerk with you. It promises to be an unforgettable night, full of the energy and passion you've come to expect from Ektomorf. Tickets will, of course, remain valid for the rescheduled date, and we hope you can all join us to share this special night.
Further details about the new date and all relevant information will be announced as soon as possible. Please stay updated.
We deeply appreciate your understanding and continued support. Stay healthy, take care of each other, and we'll see you soon - stronger and louder than ever!
EKTOMORF (HUN) legen mit ihren energiegeladenen Liveshows seit 30 Jahren Venues in Schutt und Asche. Mit über 15 veröffentlichten Studioalben, Tourneen in den USA, Asien und Europa, Auftritten bei Wacken, With Full Force etc. gehört die Band zu den erfolgreichsten und aktivsten in ihrem Genre in Ungarn.
Wer groovigen, modernen Metal mit Thrash und Hardcore Einflüssen vermengt mit traditionellen ungarischen Instrumenten mag ist an diesem Abend bestens bedient.
Mit dabei haben die Ungaren ihr neues Album VIVID BLACK und drei weitere Metal Kapellen.